Retica Request Class

The Request class is used to build & parse requests.

Creating A Request

import Retica

request = Retica.Request.request()

Parsing A Request

An encoded string can be parsed and stored into the request object using the request.parse() method.4

>>> request.parse('GET /?name=Retica HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\npost=1&name=Retica')
>>> print(type(request))
<class 'Retica.Request.request'>

Getting Data From The Request

The Request class has the following attributes:

  1. method - The status of the request.

  2. path - The body of the request.

  3. protocol - The protocol of the request.

  4. headers - The headers of the request.

  5. data - The data of the request (Changing this variable doesn’t modify the compiled response).

>>> print(request.method)
>>> print(request.path)
>>> print(request.protocol)
>>> print(request.headers)
{'Host': ''}
>>> print(['GET'])
{'name': 'Retica'}
>>> print(['POST'])
{'post': '1', 'name': 'Retica'}
>>> print(['COOKIE'])

Compiling The Request Into A String

The request can be compiled using the request.compile() method.

>>> request.compile()
'GET /?name=Retica HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\npost=1&name=Retica'